This project shows heating and cooling degree days until the year 2050 and is based on a bachelor thesis which was conducted at TU Wien by David Schmidinger and Jeton Hasani. This dataset includes heating degree days (HDD), cooling degree days (CCD) and annual average temperatures from the year 2015 until 2050 in 5 year time steps. Temperature projections are based on data provided by the Ensemble project. For more information see: http://ensemblesrt3.dmi.dk/
Based on the temperature projections for NUTS 3 regions heating degree days were calculated assuming a base temperature of 12°C and a room temperature of 20°C. Cooling degree days were calculated based on a base temperature and average room temperature of 18.3°C. The data shown on NUTS 0 level show population weighted heating and cooling degree day averages per country. The model results have not been calibrated to present temperature measurements and can therefore deviate significantly from national statistics of Eurostat publications on average heating degree days. The presented data should therefore rather be used for comparisons between countries and should provide the user with potential trends for the development of heating and cooling degree days in Europe.
Update 2018-03-07: added scenarios in NUTS3 resolution
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